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4-Photo Magnets with Graphics - $10.00
4-Wallets - $6.00
1-8x10 - $12.00
1-5x7 - $8.00
1-4x6 - $5.00
1-Mini Poster (12x18) - $20.00
1 Game on CD - $150.00
Web Ready Downlaod - $5.00
Medium Res Download up to 5x7 - $7.50
High Res Download 8x10 and up - $10.00
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2010 Rainbow Soccer Tournament
7/2/2010 - 7/4/2010
View all the photos taken at this years Tournament! Purchase Downloads! Order Prints! Send FREE e-Photocards to friends & loved ones!
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7-2 Opening Day & Dance
7-2 U10b Aiea vs Hilo
7-2 U10b Diamond Head vs Kaneohe
7-2 U10b Honolulu vs Kaneohe
7-2 U10g Aiea vs Kaneohe
7-2 U10g Aiea vs Leeward
7-2 U10g Aiea vs Mililani
7-2 U10g Diamond Head vs Mililani
7-2 U10g Kaneohe vs West Oahu
7-2 U10g Leeward vs West Oahu
7-2 U12b Aiea vs British Columbia
7-2 U12b Aiea vs Kaneohe
7-2 U12b Aiea vs Palos Verdes
7-2 U12b Diamond Head vs Pearl City
7-2 U12b Honolulu vs Mililani
7-2 U12g Aiea vs Kailua
7-2 U12g Diamond Head vs Mililani
7-2 U14b Aiea vs Kaneohe
7-2 U14b Diamond Head vs Mililani
7-2 U14b Honolulu vs West Oahu
7-2 U14g Honolulu vs Mililani
7-2 U19g Kaneohe vs Mililani
7-3 U10b Mililani vs Mililani
7-3 U10g Diamond Head vs Mililani
7-3 U12b British Columbia vs Mililani
7-3 U12b Diamond Head vs Palos Verdes
7-3 U12b Honolulu vs Kaneohe
7-3 U12b Mililani vs Pearl City
7-3 U12g Aiea vs Mililani
7-3 U12g Diamond Head vs Kailua
7-3 U12g Diamond Head vs Kaneohe
7-3 U12g Mililani vs West Oahu
7-3 U14b Diamond Head vs Kaneohe
7-3 U14b Pearl City vs West Oahu
7-3 U14g Kaneohe vs Mililani
7-4 U10b Diamond Head vs Honolulu
7-4 U10g Kaneohe vs Mililani
7-4 U12b Aiea vs Mililani
7-4 U12b British Columbia vs Honolulu
7-4 U12b British Columbia vs Honolulu
7-4 U12b Palos Verde vs Pearl City
7-4 U12G Kaneohe vs Mililani
7-4 U12g Mililani vs Aiea
7-4 U12g West Oahu vs Honolulu
7-4 U12g West Oahu vs Mililani
7-4 U14b Aiea vs Diamond Head
7-4 U14b Honolulu vs Kaneohe
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